
Department for Education Number: 330 6907
Published Admission Number: 180
Number on roll (all ages): 823


If you are considering applying for admission to Shenley Academy please contact us to visit the academy.


Shenley Academy is a comprehensive entry 11-16 mixed academy. From September 2023, we will offer 180 places in Year 7. Applications for admission must be made on the Birmingham City Council Common Application Form, or online: click here for online applications

Applications for September 2023 must be received by the 31st October 2022. The council will send parents/carers letters / emails telling them the outcome of their applications on 1st March 2023.


Admissions Process – In Year Admissions

All in year admissions must be made directly to the academy using the in year application form.

Click Here to access the application form.

In year admissions include any admissions made after the normal year 7 intake in September and all applications for Years 8-11. The over subscriptions criteria for in-year admissions are the same as those for new-intake admissions. Students who cannot be admitted at the time of application will be allocated a place on the academy’s waiting list in line with these criteria.


Reports on the television or in newspapers often give the impression that parents have the right to choose which school or academy their child goes to and it is true that you can apply for any state school or academy that you want. However, the law does not guarantee your child a place at the academy of your choice. What the law does say is that you must be offered a place at your preferred academy unless admitting your child would prejudice (have a negative effect on) the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources at that academy.

The body that makes the decision whether or not it is able to admit your child is called the Admission Authority. E-ACT is the Admission Authority for  Shenley Academy. Each academy has a published admission number for each year group. This is the number of places that the Admission Authority should offer and is based on the number of children the academy has space for. Shenley Academy has a published admission number of 180 places.

At Shenley Academy, as with most schools and academies, most of the parents who are refused a place at their preferred academy are refused that place because the Admission Authority received more applications than it has places or all the places at the academy were already full when the application was received. There may be other occasions when in the view of the Governing Body, admitting your child would prejudice (have a negative effect on) the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources at the academy.

If you have been told that your child cannot go to Shenley Academy then the law gives you the right to appeal against that decision. If your appeal is successful then your child must be offered a place. However, if your appeal is unsuccessful then there is no further right of appeal.

Admissions and Appeals 2023 – Key Dates

DateStage of Process
31st October 2022:Recommended deadline for the submission of applications. Online applications may be submitted up to 31st October 2022
1st March 2023:Notification of secondary places for September 2023 admissions via e-mail. Notification letters sent by first class post.
15th March 2023:Deadline for return of acceptance
29th March 2023:Deadline for lodging an appeal
May/June 2023Date by which all appeals will have been heard
4th September 2023:Term starts


The Department for Education appeals code

For the DfE’s admissions appeals code click here.


Birmingham Fair Access Protocol

The Protocol aims to make sure that children without school places are offered a suitable school place as quickly as possible. For more information, please visit Birmingham City Council’s website here.

Admission Policy 2023-2024

Admission Policy 2024-2025

Admission Policy 2025-2026

E-ACT Supplementary Information Form (SIF) 2023-2024

E-ACT Supplementary Information Form (SIF) 2024-2025

E-ACT Supplementary Information Form (SIF) 2025-2026

Admissions information How to Apply
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Useful Information