Exciting news from Shenley Academy Art Department

9 June 2020

We are pleased to announce that Aidan Louw in Year 10 has been selected, from over 17,000 applicants, to exhibit his work at the RA Young Artists’ Summer Show. Aiden’s brief was to produce a self-portrait entitled “Selfie” which he produced using water colour crayons.

Mrs Messam entered a selection of students’ art work for this annual event and Aidan’s work will be exhibited online from 12 July as well as being exhibited on-site at the Royal Academy in the autumn (date tbc). This is a real accolade for Aidan and testament to his hard work and commitment to developing his artistic abilities.

He spends a lot of his time producing artwork at home and in extra-curricular sessions in the art room.

He really is a talented artist (as are many of our GCSE students).

Watch this space for more news of our talented students and the work they have been producing during Lockdown.















Mrs Lawlor

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