

Each year group will have an assembly once a week. Assemblies will be delivered by a variety of speakers: Assistant Headteachers of Progress, Pastoral Support Managers, Senior Leadership Team and external speakers. The content of each assembly is often linked to the ‘Theme of the Week’, which can be found on the main academy calendar. Assembly themes might also be adapted based on the needs of students throughout the school year.

Students are also expected to help compose and deliver form assemblies on a rota basis throughout the year. These are a vehicle for the development of some of the key skills and attributes that are at the heart of everything we do as an academy. These assemblies can be linked to the ‘Theme of the Week’, or be another topic agreed to be beneficial to the year group.

We are pleased to announce that this year, external guest speakers will be invited to speak to students in assemblies at least once a half term. These speakers will be relevant and meaningful to students at Shenley, and the challenges and successes that are relevant to their current position within the school.

In addition, there are times in the academy year where year groups will attend assemblies relevant to aspects of their learning, for example, choosing options in Year 8, preparing for work experience assemblies in Year 9 and 10 and preparing for examinations in Year 10 and 11.

The academy assembly schedule is highlighted below:

MondayYear 8
TuesdayYear 7
WednesdayYear 11
ThursdayYear 10
FridayYear 9
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