Personal Safety – Information

23 January 2020

“We know how much your personal belongings can mean to you, and the impact they would have if they’re gone.

We hope you never find yourself in a position of having any of your belongings stolen, so we want to pass on some simple steps that can help prevent that happening…


  • Keep your phone out of sight
  • When leaving the gates try travelling home with your mates
  • Keep your bags closed and close to you


Also did you know Apple and Android devices have an app installed that allows us to be able to track your technology if they were stolen. However, you need to make sure it’s set up to do so.

To set up your devices now – head to and search ‘keep your phone safe’

Remember, be aware and take care


In an emergency call 999.

Chat to us on Live Chat  between 8am – midnight, or call 101 anytime”

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