Update – 1 June 2020

1 June 2020

Dear parent/carer,

I hope my message finds you and your family well.

It is likely you will have already heard that secondary schools and academies across the country have been given the green light to provide some face-to-face contact to students in year 10 from Monday 15th June.

Whilst we look forward to welcoming our students back into academy, please rest assured that we remain committed to taking a cautious approach to re-opening, and will do so only when we feel we have done everything in our power to protect our students and staff.

In line with guidance from the Department for Education, planning and preparation to make our academy as safe as possible is already well underway. This is why our classrooms, communal spaces and everyday procedures will look very different when we re-open.

Furthermore, we will only have a quarter of the year group, which is a very small proportion of our students, in at any one time to minimise the number of people on site. So you can understand all of the measures we are taking to make our academy as safe as possible, we will be sending you a detailed guide early next week.

In the meantime, the children of our key workers and our most vulnerable students will continue to have a safe place here during the day, and our students at home will have the support they need from their teachers.

I hope the safety measures we are taking, which in many cases go beyond the recommendations made to us by the Department for Education, will help allay some of the anxieties you may be feeling about sending your child back into school.

I would like to thank you again for your support and the many positive messages we continue to receive on a daily basis, and I ask that you please contact us with any specific questions or concerns by emailing us at shenley.enquiry@e-act.org.uk.


Yours sincerely,

Dr. Jayne Bartlett


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