Form Time Personal Development Overview

Our Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) curriculum is continually assessed and adapted to support our local context. Lessons and curriculum plans are adapted proactively to meet the priorities raised by staff, students and our community.

At key stage 3 built on the knowledge and understanding, skills, attributes, and values they acquired and developed during the primary phase. PSHCE education acknowledges and addresses the changes that young people experience, beginning with transition to secondary school, the challenges of adolescence and their increasing independence. It teaches the knowledge and skills which will equip them for the opportunities and challenges of life. Students learn to manage diverse relationships, their online lives, and the increasing influence of peers and the media.

At key stage 4, students deepen knowledge and understanding, extend and rehearse skills, and further explore attitudes, values and attributes acquired during key stage 3. PSHCE education reflects the fact that students are moving towards an independent role in adult life, taking on greater responsibility for themselves and others.

Relationships and Sex education will also form an integrated part of PSHCE provision going forward. The school PSHCE education will meet the statutory RSE requirements and support the academy’s values of equality, inclusion and respect for all students and communities. The provision will meet students’ age and maturity levels, as well as their cultural and religious backgrounds and ensure students know how to be healthy and safe in school, in their personal relationships and in the wider world.

PSHCE Overview (including age appropriate Relationship, Health and Sex Education)


This forms part of our wider personal development provision and we are currently committed to promoting pupils’ personal development and skills by working towards achieving the Excellence in Pupil Development Award.

Furthermore, we are also working towards the Wellbeing Award for Schools. This award focuses on changing the long-term culture of the whole school. Using an evidence-based framework to drive change, it will help you deliver staff and pupil wellbeing, review your staff training, and revise your policies. This award will ensure that mental health and wellbeing sit at the heart of your school life.

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