Careers Programme

Students at Shenley Academy have the opportunity to be a part of a range of CEIAG related experiences. These experiences better prepare our students for ‘Life after Shenley’.

Last academic year, there were more visits, opportunities and interventions than ever before including; MyTutor (maths and English), university visits, careers fair, women in leadership, Kudos, Mosaic Enterprise Challenge, Professional Services Week business walks, Bear Grylls Adventure Centre, one to one mock interviews, Forward Thinking Programme, Speakers Trust Speak Out event, Work Ready events, Big Bang show, coaching and mentoring sessions, motivational speakers, Cultural Capital trips, STEM university visits, computing and engineering workshops, speakers for schools, WWF trip about ‘green careers’ and many more. We continue to plan for similar and additional opportunities for the current academic year.

Quality in Careers Standard

We have fully achieved the Quality in Careers Standard which is the single national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) in schools, colleges and work-based learning.
All state-funded secondary schools are “strongly recommended” by the Department for Education in its Statutory Guidance to work towards, achieve, and maintain this national Standard as part of its ‘careers strategy’. The Standard is fully aligned with the Gatsby Benchmarks for “Good Career Guidance” and complies with the DfE’s Statutory Guidance.

All staff have an important role in our CEIAG provision.

The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance are:

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

useful links and further guidance for staff

Careers bulletins can be found on our newsletters page

POST 16 OPEN EVENTS 2023-2024

Birmingham Careers Service Newsletter

Parents Guide to National Careers Week 2023

Programme for 2023-2024

Autumn TermSpring TermSummer Term
Year 7Key Stage 3 Personal Development Form Tutor Careers Programme Assemblies from a range of external speakers. Parents evening CEIAG workshop
Key Stage 3 Personal Development Form Tutor Careers Programme Assemblies from a range of external speakers National Careers Week 2023 activitiesKey Stage 3 Personal Development Form Tutor Careers Programme Assemblies from a range of external speakers Aspire to Aston – Aspire to Explore – Campus visit (selected students only due to criteria)
Key Stage 3 Personal Development Form Tutor Careers Programme.Key Stage 3 Personal Development Form Tutor Careers Programme.Key Stage 3 Personal Development Form Tutor Careers Programme.
Assemblies from a range of external speakers.Assemblies from a range of external speakers.Assemblies from a range of external speakers.
Workshops with the local labour marketCV MasterclassMeaningful interactions with employers using our 'Future Friday Programme'
Year 8Key Stage 3 Personal Development Form Tutor Careers ProgrammeKey Stage 3 Personal Development Form Tutor Careers ProgrammeKey Stage 3 Personal Development Form Tutor Careers Programme
Assemblies from a range of external speakersAssemblies from a range of external speakersAssemblies from a range of external speakers
National Careers Week 2024 activitiesAspire to Aston Aspire to Explore Campus visit (selected students only due to criteria)
Workshops with the local labour marketCV MasterclassMeaningful interactions with employers using our 'Future Friday Programme'
Year 9Key Stage 3 Personal Development Form Tutor Careers ProgrammeKey Stage 3 Personal Development Form Tutor Careers ProgrammeKey Stage 3 Personal Development Form Tutor Careers Programme
Assemblies from a range of external speakersAssemblies from a range of external speakersAssemblies from a range of external speakers
Additional workshop and visits TBC from AimHigher partnershipAdditional workshop and visits TBC from AimHigher partnershipAdditional workshop and visits TBC from AimHigher partnership
National Careers Week 2024 activities
Aspire to Aston - Aspire to Learn - Interactive workshop (selected students only due to criteria)
Aspire to Aston - Aspire to Learn - Virtual Parents Evening for pathways
Options evening and opportunity to speak to independent careers advisor
Workshops with the local labour marketCV MasterclassMeaningful interactions with employers using our 'Future Friday Programme'
Year 10Key Stage 4 Personal Development Form Tutor Careers ProgrammeKey Stage 4 Personal Development Form Tutor Careers ProgrammeKey Stage 4 Personal Development Form Tutor Careers Programme
Assemblies from a range of external speakersAssemblies from a range of external speakersAssemblies from a range of external speakers
Additional workshop and visits TBC from AimHigher partnershipAdditional workshop and visits TBC from AimHigher partnershipSEND student visit to Halesowen College
Additional workshop and visits TBC from AimHigher partnership
National Careers Week 2024 activitiesAspire to Aston Aspire to Succeed Interactive workshop to develop employability skills and skills for the future (selected students only due to criteria)
Workshops with the local labour marketCV MasterclassMeaningful interactions with employers using our 'Future Friday Programme'
Work Experience
Year11Year 11 Parent Evening ? pathways presentation1:1 Careers Appointment with independent careers advisor1:1 Careers Appointment with independent careers advisor
1:1 Careers Appointment with independent careers advisorAssemblies from a range of external speakersAssemblies from a range of external speakers
Assemblies from a range of external speakersPost-16 Careers FairAdditional workshop and visits TBC from AimHigher partnership
SEND student visit to Halesowen CollegeApprenticeship and University Fair Edgbaston Stadium
Additional workshop and visits TBC from AimHigher partnershipAdditional workshop and visits TBC from AimHigher partnership
National Careers Week 2023 activities
Aspire to Aston - Aspire to Achieve - Campus Visit - revision skills/exam stress (selected students only due to criteria)
Workshops with the local labour marketCV MasterclassMeaningful interactions with employers using our 'Future Friday Programme'

*Each aspect will be reviewed in line with updated safeguarding measures and appropriate risk assessments. This may mean some adjustments to the programme. The policy and programme will be reviewed and updated/amended regularly following consultations with our partnerships and any possible changes to government guidelines.


In order to facilitate such an enriched CEIAG programme that meets the criteria of the Gatbsy Benchmarks, we have the support of a number of committed partnerships within the city:


Gurjit Matto – Independent Careers Advisor

The Careers Education Programme at Shenley Academy is complemented by one-to-one careers advice and guidance from Gurjit Matto, Independent Careers Adviser. Pupils in Years 8 – 11 have access to impartial one-to-one advice from Gurjit every Friday. This can be facilitated through appointments or lunch time drop in for quick careers queries. Gurjit’s experience in this field means that students have the opportunity to explore a range of possible future pathways, including both college, apprenticeships and higher level apprenticeships. If requested, Gurjit will also engage with parents and carers to best support the child in their next steps.

Further to independent careers advice appointments, Gurjit also supports the Academy in a wider capacity with events such as Kudos (year 8), supporting at year 9 options evenings, parents evenings, and providing opportunities for providers of technical education and apprenticeship teams to access students in year 8-11.


Impact and Review

The CEIAG team at Shenley Academy (listed below) are committed to continuing to maintain and develop a high quality of CEIAG provision. This is monitored via regular impact reports that includes student feedback. The next review date is September 2024. The most recent Ofsted report stated that “careers education and guidance is a strength. Pupils benefit from a range of opportunities to inform them of their possible career choices. This prepares them well for their future choices”.

Leighton Gwyther: Careers Leader


Telephone: 0121 464 5191


Rees Horton: STEM Specialist



Georgia Dudley: AimHigher Plus Coordinator


Daniel Thacker-Smith: Deputy Headteacher


Careers Guidance and Provider Access for Education and Training Providers Policy

Links to useful websites:

Letters for Parents/Carers

Admissions information How to Apply
We recommend
Useful Information